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Temirlik River

Excursion to the Temirlik river, picnic on the river -

Rivers of the Charyn National Park -

Temirlik River, a beautiful river, a tributary of the Charyn River, flows through the Charyn National Park, and the famous Temirlik Canyon. The length of the river is 57 km, the river originates in the Ketmen mountain range. The river belongs to the Ili River basin, the river is very picturesque, traveling to the river we will visit and see all of the above attractions of the region. Trees such as poplar and ash grow along the river, which gives the river an indescribable beauty, on hot days in the shade of these trees you can hide and relax on the river bank.

How to get there, visit -

Temirlik River is located in Almaty region, Uygur district, Raimbek district.
GPS coordinates N43°10'48" E79°17'03"

Information -

The sources of the Temirlik River are located at an altitude of 2819.8 meters above sea level in the western part of the main Ketmen ridge. The length of the Temirlik River is 58 kilometers, the area is 523 square kilometers. The Temirlik River belongs to the rivers of mixed type of nutrition and receives water from snowfields and springs. Floods and floods on the river continue from April to June.
Water levels and costs are uneven across the seasons. Water consumption, for example, in May and June exceeds the autumn and winter norms by four to five times. The river water is used for irrigation. Vegetation in the river valley is represented by poplars, ash, barberry, relic saxaul, ephedra. There is an Osman fish in the river. Among the wild animals on the river, you can meet hares, foxes, among birds, kekliks and pheasants.

Temirlik River in Almaty region, Charyn National Park


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