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Kolsay national natural park, Kolsay Kulderi, in Kazakhstan.

Excursions and hiking in Kolsay nature park.

The state national natural park “Kolsay kulderі” was established by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 7, 2007 No. 88 The park’s territory was formed by merging reserve lands and forest fund lands of the Kegen State Forestry Agency. The purpose of the creation is the preservation and restoration of unique natural complexes of the Almaty region, which have a special ecological, historical, scientific, aesthetic and recreational value and ensure their further development.

Information Kolsay nature park.

Administratively, park "Kolsay kulderі" is located in the Raymbek and Talgar districts of Almaty region. The park administration is located in Saty, Ultarakova St., 38, Rayimbek district, Almaty region. In general, the territory of the park from north to south is 23 km. 98 km from west to east. The total area of the national park is 161,045 ha. The territory of the National Park is an integral part of the Ile-Balkhash basin, and includes its characteristic types and subtypes of ecosystems according to its geographic location, orographic features, and altitude characteristics.
On its territory, park performs the following main tasks:
- preservation of natural complexes, biodiversity, unique and standard natural sites, objects of natural reserve fund, natural and historical and cultural heritage;
- ensuring the security regime on the territory of the SNNP and in its protection zone;
- development of scientific methods for the conservation of biological diversity; monitoring of ecological systems and individual natural objects under the Nature Record Program;
- restoration of disturbed natural complexes, objects of natural reserve fund, natural and cultural heritage;
- environmental education;
- regulation of the use of the territory of the SNNP and its protection zone for environmental education, scientific, tourist, recreational and limited economic purposes.

Kolsay Kulderі - Kolsay nature park.

In addition, the State Scientific Production Enterprise "Kolsay kulderі" makes a significant contribution to maintaining a favorable ecological balance in the region, preserving the integrity of landscapes, flora and fauna, nature, history and culture, improving the ecological and socio-economic conditions of the local population. Lake Kaindy lakes Lower, Middle and Upper Kolsay, located in the gorges Kaindy and Kolsay. All of these lakes are of flood origin, formed after earthquakes as a result of landslides. They extend along the gorges and have great depth. The lakes are located at altitudes of 1818, 2252 and 2850m. respectively. The smaller lakes in the ravine are also beautiful. Kishi Orikty and Taldy. All glacial lakes of the region are located at altitudes of 3200–3500 m closer to the central part of the Kungei Alatau ridge. They are devoid of vegetation and perform the role of natural settlers. Most of these lakes are not durable, often change the water level, appear and disappear. They occur in the languages of almost all large glaciers of the region. It should be borne in mind that in the hot summer months the moraine dams of these lakes sometimes break through and form mudslides, which are dangerous for tourists. The main causes of mudflows are torrential rains, slipping of glaciers and moraines into moraine lakes, breakthrough of natural dams created by avalanches or debris on rivers.

Unique natural complexes and objects Kolsay park.

Two types of objects on the territory of the State Scientific Production Enterprise "Kolsay kulderi" are included in the List of objects of the state natural reserve fund of republican significance (Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 28, 2006 No. 932).

These objects are as follows Kolsay nature park.

- Kolsay Lakes
- Deserted moraine lakes located at altitudes of 2 500-3 800 meters in the south, southeast and east of the republic.
A unique natural object on the territory of the park - Lake Kaindy in the same gorge, formed after the earthquake of 1911. The originality of this object is that the trunks of water-flooded trees protrude above the water surface.
Also noteworthy is the “Tanbalytas” tract on the Karabulak river, which is a picturesque glade bounded by sheer cliffs. Between the steep walls through the narrow rift, the walls of which are at arm's length, the river flows. The length of the fault is about 30 m.
Of great value are forest plantations in the eastern part of the park formed by the birch of Yarmolenkovskaya included in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as spruce forests on the northern slopes of Kungei Alatau.

Recreational resources Kolsay nature park.

The territory of the park is rich in recreational resources, by which we understand objects and phenomena of natural and anthropogenic origin, which are used for healing, recreation and tourism. There are natural recreational resources (natural-territorial complexes, their components and individual properties) and cultural and historical (for example, historical, architectural, archeological, art, natural and other monuments).
The presents mainly natural recreational resources, these include places for recreation with beautiful nature and a favorable climate, and the variety of recreational opportunities offered by the park significantly increases the recreational significance of the territory. First of all, it should be noted the vicinity of the lakes of Kolsay and Lake Kaindy, which are the most attractive objects of the park, which serve for a short-term rest of a large number of tourists. The park has a large number of rivers, the convenient banks of which and the gorges themselves, where they flow, can serve as an attractive place for both short-term and longer-term rest. They provide the possibility of simple walks, inspection of beautiful panoramas and stay in the air environment, free from dust, saturated with moisture.

Kolsay nature park


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