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Zhaiyk Settlement

Ancient cities and settlements of the West Kazakhstan region -

Jeep tour to the Zhaiyk settlement -

Zhaiyk is an ancient city, a settlement of the XIII—XIV century, represents the remains of an ancient city, from which ramparts, embankments, remnants of structures have been preserved, the place is located in the steppe. The settlement was first discovered by an archaeological expedition in 2001, and since then, full-scale excavations and research have been conducted here. It was established that the city was part of the Golden Horde, as well as during excavations, special stoves were discovered in which craftsmen fired bricks and built buildings in the city from it, the remains of an ancient mausoleum and a bathhouse were also found. According to one of the assumptions, the city of Zhaiyk was the ancestor of the city of Uralsk.

How to get there, visit -

The settlement of Zhaiyk is located 12 kilometers from the city of Uralsk, at the foot of Svistun Mountain, the bank of the Chagan River, West Kazakhstan region, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Information -

The settlement of Zhaiyk is quite large, the area of the town is about 7 hectares. The city consists of residential, industrial and public buildings, there is an oriental bathhouse with a floor heating system, remnants of a brick and ceramic oven. 2 km west of the city, in the necropolis of the city, the ruins of a ritual building were discovered, that is, a two-chamber domed mausoleum covered with polychrome glaze. During the excavations, a living space consisting of several rooms separated by a complex untreated wall was cleared from the town. The interior of residential buildings was heated through a special chimney that could pass through several rooms. In residential buildings there are rectangular kilns made of baked bricks for heating in winter. The materials found in the settlement indicate the influence of Khorezm and the Syrdarya region in the traditions of house building.

The settlement of Zhaiyk in the West Kazakhstan region


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