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Mausoleum of Gabdollauly Satybaldy Ishan

Ancient buildings and sacred places of Kostanay region -

Sacred monuments of Kostanay Turgay -

Gabdollauly Satybaldy is a mausoleum, an architectural monument, a sacred sacred place and a place of pilgrimage in the Kostanay region. The mausoleum is a rectangular building, built of red brick, the roof of the building is crowned with two domes, inside the mausoleum there is a burial place of the holy man Gabdollauly and an altar. Today this mausoleum has become a place of worship for many people.

How to get there, visit -

The mausoleum of Gabdollauly Satybaldy is located near the village of Amangeldy, Amangeldy district, Kostanay region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
GPS coordinates: 50°10'55"N 65°10'24"E

Information -

Satybaldy Ishan was born in 1826 and died in 1898. He was a scientist, devoted his entire life to spreading religion, preaching Islam. He was born in the village of Shoman Karasu in the Torgai region. Satybaldy studied in Tashkent at a madrasah, then in Bukhara, also at a madrasah, after which he returned to the territory of Kazakhstan and was engaged in legal activities. In 1862 he made a pilgrimage to Mecca. Satybaldi Ishan’s great merit was in spreading the religion of Islam in the Torgai region, instilling faith, kindness, morality, honesty and cleanliness in the people. After his death, people called him a saint.

Mausoleum of Gabdollauly Satybalda in Kostanay region


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