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Barsakelmes natural reserve and park

Traveling around Barsakelmes

Tours to Barsa-Kelmes

Barsakelmes State Nature Reserve is distinguished by very rare flora and fauna. There are more than 256 species of plants and animals, animals, mammals and amphibians. Due to the drying up of the sea, rare species of fish disappear and new plants and animals appear.

The reserve was founded in 1929 as a nature reserve; on December 10, 1939, it received the status of a state reserve. Due to the drying up of the Aral Sea, the salinity of the water exceeded the norm. The lack of fresh water makes life difficult for animals in the region. Gradually, very slowly, the water arrives in the Aral Sea, the number of fish grows every year. Recently, scientists of Korkyt-Ata State University, together with students, are engaged in the renewal of the economy, ecology and botany of the region.

Barsakelmes islandinformation

Since the early 1960s. The gradual drying up of the sea due to a sharp decrease in the inflow of water into the Aral Sea through the Syrdarya and Amu Darya rivers worsened the state of the reserve. Over time, the island of Barsakelmes became known as the "peninsula". After all, the eastern coast of the sea merged with the land, and the peculiarity of the reserve was forgotten. Nevertheless, thanks to the selfless work of ordinary people, dedicated to their work, the famous reserve not only survives, but also looks to the future.

Barsakelmes nature reserve and islandhistory

The fundamental scientific study of Barsakelmes began in the middle of the 19th century. First, in 1831, the Russian scientist R. Levshin discovered the existence of such an island in the Aral Sea and drew a map. In 1848, the tsarist government launched the first expedition to explore the Aral Sea and appointed sailor Alexei Butakov as its leader. In mid-May of the same year, the caravan left the Or fortress and reached the shores of the Aral Sea in more than a month. After that, the leg researcher L. Berg came here.

Barsakelmes island amazed explorers with its beautiful nature. The land of the island was covered with greenery. There were many small fresh water lakes. Most of the plants that grow here are not found anywhere else. The head of the expedition writes that 200 species of birds live on the island, as well as snakes and lizards. Gazelles and saigas living in saxaul thickets were not even afraid of people.

The drying up of the Aral Sea is a natural disaster for Barsakelmes

Unfortunately, in 1997-1999 Barsakelmes ceased to be an island, and the loss of fresh water sources forced all these animals to move. Since then, 250 long-tailed kulans have been evacuated, most of them were sent to the Altynemel National Park near Almaty, and another group was sent to the Ustyurt ridges near Mangistau.

At present, every effort is being made to preserve Barsakelmes as a state nature reserve. As for the current state of the Barsakelmes reserve, over the past two years its size has increased 10 times, the water in the Aral Sea has also increased, but all this is happening very slowly, but there are changes for the better.

Barsakelmes natural park, reserve


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