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WildTicket Asia » Kazakhstan tours and excursions » Nature of Kazakhstan » Kazakhstan nature » Khan-Tengri is a mountain peak, a mountain in Kazakhstan.

Khan-Tengri is a mountain peak, a mountain in Kazakhstan.

Tourism and climbing in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Travel to the base camp on Khan Tengri peak.

Khan-Tengri is a peak in the mountains of Eastern Tengri, on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan (Almaty region includes the north-western part of the mountain) and China. Highest point in the northern hemisphere. Local Kazakhs and Kyrgyz call this mountain "Kantau", "Kanktoo" because it turns red in the evening.

Khan Tengri peak, how to get there.

It is possible to get to the base camp at Khan Tengri peak only by helicopter.
To do this, you will need to use the services of our company to deliver you to the base camp. It is almost impossible to get there on your own. Also, to stay in the base camp under Khan-Tengri peak, you need to undergo acclimatization.

Khan-Tengri mountain peak, geography.

The peak is composed of marbled limestone. Located at an altitude of 6995 m above sea level (7010 m including ice cover). Khan Tengri is the largest glacial center on Mount Tengri, with a total area of 2500 km2. You can climb to the summit through the South and North Inylchek glaciers. Khan-Tengri was first scientifically described by I. Semenov and Semyonov Tien Shan. More than a dozen routes have been laid to the top, and there is also an international alpine camp Khan-Tengri, which can accept up to 2000 climbers and mountain tourists in one season.

Khan-Tengri mountain peak.


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