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WildTicket Asia » Kazakhstan tours and excursions » Nature of Kazakhstan » Almaty region » Kainatpa tuz is a natural salt deposit.

Kainatpa tuz is a natural salt deposit.

Natural attractions of the Kegen region.

Journey from Almaty to Kegen to the Kainatpa tuz salt deposit and the Shoaldyr mountains.

Kainatpa Tuz is the name of a natural salt deposit located in the mountains at an altitude of 1970 meters above sea level. The deposit is one of the attractions of the Kegen region. The deposit is 300 meters long and 80 meters wide.

Kainatpa tuz salt deposit - how to get there.

The Kainatpa tuz salt deposit is located in the Almaty region, in the Shoaldyr mountains, Kegen district. The main landmark here is the village of Karkara, the distance from the village to the salt deposit is 4 kilometers. The distance from Kegen village to the deposit is 17 kilometers.
GPS coordinates of Kaynatpa tuz salt deposit: N42°51'51.43" E79°16'12.01"

Kainatpa tuz - information for tourists.

Traveling in this region, we move on highly passable 4x4 vehicles, the Kainatpa tuz salt deposit is located in the mountains, nearby is the village of Saryzhaz, Zhana Tasashi, Tasashi, and Sarykol. The deposit is located next to the road that leads to these villages. Here you can see salt that has crystallized and turned into beautiful crystals. At first it seems that this is snow, a deposit of crystal white color, here you can take beautiful photos of salt crystals.

Kainatpa tuz salt deposit.


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