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Shymbulak High-Mountain Resort (Chimbulak)

Climbing to Shymbulak by cable car from the Medeu tract -

Mountain hike from Shymbulak to Tuyuksu -

Shymbulak is a ski resort, a high-mountain active recreation base, located at an altitude of 2510 meters above sea level in the Zailiyskiy Alatau mountains in the Small Almaty gorge near the city of Almaty. A cable car leads to the base from the Medeu tract, where the famous Medeo sports complex is located, then on the same cable car you can climb to the Big Talgar Pass (3163). In winter, the ski season opens at the Shymbulak base, skiers and snowboarders come here to amaze you with their skills, extreme jumps and sharp turns. Thus, from November to May Shymbulak becomes a place for skiing, and in summer it becomes a wonderful place for visiting snow-capped mountains and a place for active recreation in the mountains. In the Shymbulak area there are many mountain routes to local attractions, there are routes to local mountain peaks and tracts.

Information -

The Shymbulak ski resort is located 13 kilometers from Almaty in the Small Almaty Gorge, Ile-Alatau Park, Zailiysky Alatau Mountains, Almaty Region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
GPS coordinates: 43°07'38"N 77°04'55"E

Information -

Since 1954, the Shymbulak sports complex has become a favorite place for skiers. Initially, this complex was created as a training base for Soviet skiers for the Olympics. The width of the race track is 25-100 meters, the slope is 11-29 degrees, which allows skiers to show their best speed. Shymbulak became the first ski track in the history of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that meets international requirements. Since 1961, Shymbulak has hosted several USSR championships and various ski competitions. It hosted competitions as part of the 2017 Winter Universiade and the Freestyle World Cup. In summer, the air temperature near the slope reaches about 25 ° C, in winter about -7 ° C. The ski season in Shymbulak usually lasts from November to April. Nearby there is a four-star hotel "Shymbulak", bars, cafes and restaurants. In terms of technical characteristics, the ski track is not inferior to the best ski tracks in Europe, and in most cases (in terms of the quality of sliding on snow) surpasses them. After modernization, the length of the ski tracks increased by 6 kilometers. Snow cannons have been installed along the ski slopes, and the steel cables of the cable cars have been updated. The track is also equipped with the latest time measuring devices and information indicators suitable for holding world-class competitions.


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