Your big journey along the Great Silk Road !



Right Talgar river.
Right Talgar river.
Talgar mountain range.
Talgar mountain range.
Aktyuz mountain pass in the upper reaches of the Talgar gorge.
Aktyuz mountain pass in the upper reaches of the Talgar gorge.
Issyk lake in the Almaty nature reserve.
Issyk lake in the Almaty nature reserve.
Monk's gorge in the Talgar river valley.
Monk's gorge in the Talgar river valley.
Talgar (river), Almaty nature reserve.
Talgar (river), Almaty nature reserve.
Talgar gorge and its sights, Almaty reserve.
Talgar gorge and its sights, Almaty reserve.
Valley of the Talgar River, Almaty Nature Reserve.
Valley of the Talgar River, Almaty Nature Reserve.
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