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Tulip Albert

Tulips of South Kazakhstan -

Excursion for tulip Albert in Kazakhstan -

Tulip Albert (Tulipa Alberti) is one of the most beautiful tulips in Kazakhstan, endemic, the flower grows only in Kazakhstan. The flower was described by the same famous botanist and researcher E.L. Regel in 1877. The tulip grows in large colonies over vast areas, which makes watching the tulip bloom an unforgettable experience.

How to see, see -

Tulip Albert grows wild only in Kazakhstan, Syrdarya Karatau, Chu-Ili mountains, southern Betpakdala, southwestern spurs of the Dzungarian Alatau (South Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, Almaty, south of Karaganda region, Ulytau region, outskirts of the city of Zhezkazgan). Blossoms from early April to the end of the first decade of May, bears fruit in May - June.

Information, description -

Tulip Albert, bulb ovoid, up to 3 - 4 cm in diameter, with leathery dark brown, continued scales. The stem is strong, squat, up to 20 cm tall. Leaves (3 - 4) are gray-gray, wavy along the edge, gradually decreasing upwards, the lower one is elliptical, the upper one is lanceolate. The flower is goblet, up to 7 cm tall; outer tepals pointed, inner concave, with a rounded or slightly notched apex. It is distinguished by a large polymorphism of color - from pure yellow, orange and motley - to scarlet and raspberry red. The bottom of the flower is often black on the inside. The yellow-flowered forms usually have red stripes down the back and triangular spots on the inside of the tepals. Anthers dark purple or yellow. The fruit is up to 6 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, the number of normally developed seeds is up to 240. Reproduction is seed, very rarely vegetative.
Tulip Albert is listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Tulip Albert in Kazakhstan


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