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Saryjaz (ridge)

Mountain ranges of Kazakhstan -

Mountaineering and mountain hiking in the mountains of Almaty region -

Saryjaz is a mountain range in the Central Tien Shan, on the territory of Kyrgyzstan and partly Kazakhstan. The ridge is located between the Sarydzhaz River in the north and its left tributary the Inylchek River in the south. The length of the ridge is 113 km, the width is up to 16 km. The average height is 4370 m, the highest point is Semenov Peak (5816 m). The ridge is composed of metamorphic shales, granites, and limestones.

How to get there, visit -

The Sarydzhaz mountain range is located on the territory of Kazakhstan (Rayymbek district of Almaty region) and also on the territory of Kyrgyzstan.
GPS coordinates: 42°15'53"N 79°53'06"E

Information -

The Sarydzhaz ridge includes Semenov Peak, named after the Russian geographer Pyotr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, has a height of 5816 m and is located on the state border between Kyrgyzstan in the west and Kazakhstan in the east. In the far east, a mountain range with a length of about 15 km passes completely within Kazakhstan. At the intersection with the meridian chain in the eastern part of the mountain range there is a Marble wall with a height of 6146 m (also Plato Peak). The highest peak of the mountain range is Bayankol with a height of 5841 m, located in Kazakhstan. The Mushketov and Semenov glaciers stretch on the northern slope. The Northern Enilchek Glacier runs along the southern slope.

Saryjaz ridge, Bayankol gorge, Almaty region


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