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WildTicket Asia » Kazakhstan tours and excursions » Kazakhstan » Tenge Alu (selection of coins at a gallop)

Tenge Alu (selection of coins at a gallop)

Cultural attractions of Kazakhstan -

History and traditional games of Kazakhs -

Tenge Alu is the national game of the Kazakh people. The goal of the game is to ride a horse as fast as possible and pick up bags of money from the ground on the move. This sport is quite difficult, you need to be able to stay in the saddle, ride a horse quickly and at the same time bend down to the ground and pick up small bags of money. The game develops speed and teaches you to act quickly and accurately on horseback. This type of game is held at various cultural events of the Kazakh people. Also, young people go through the school of this game before participating in another national game Kokpar, where they also have to bend down to the ground and lift the carcass of a goat.


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