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Itolla Mosque

Tours to the deserts of the Mangyshlak Peninsula and Kazakhstan -

Guide to the roads of Mangystau -

Itolla is a mosque, an architectural monument of the XVIII century, a sacred sacred place and a place of pilgrimage on the Mangyshlak peninsula. The Itolla Mosque is a cave cut into the rock, and is part of a small necropolis. The mosque was built by a holy man, whose name was Itolla, the locals say that he could work miracles and heal people, he also preached Islam and engaged in educational activities.

How to get there, visit -

Itolla Mosque is located near the villages of Tauchik, Mangistau district, Mangistau region, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Information -

Inside the Itolla mosque there is a well in which sacred water flows, they say that if a bad person approaches the well, the water in it disappears, and if a good person comes in, then the water appears, and if a holy person comes in, then the water turns into milk. Itolla in translation from the Kazakh language means "full yurt" (full of goodness, full of wealth or a prosperous yurt). There has been no water in the well in the Itolla mosque for a long time, the locals attribute this to the fact that there are many bad people in the world and the water has gone out of the well forever. The mosque is very popular. Pilgrims and just people or travelers come to the mosque in order for water to appear in the well, read a prayer here and just stay in a sacred place and relax.

Itolla Mosque in Mangystau region


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