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Sandyktasy on Mangyshlak

Monuments of material culture of Mangistau -

Pilgrimage tourism in Mangyshlak -

Sandyktas are a type of monuments, ancient burials, they are stone boxes, sarcophagi installed on the ground, mainly common in Mangyshlak and the Mangystau region. Sandyktas is also known as a tombstone, a simple memorial plaque. Types of stone chests, stone sarcophagi, are made of stone and represent the artistic and architectural period when it was installed at the burial site. The upper part of artistic and architectural sarcophagi is round and dome-shaped; ornaments and various images are placed on its walls.

How to get there, visit -

Sandyktas can be seen on the territory of ancient burials and necropolises in the Mangistau region, Mangistau region, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Sandyktasy on the Mangyshlak Peninsula


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