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Monument to Bukhar Zhirau (Pavlodar)

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The monument to Bukhar Zhirau in the city of Pavlodar was erected in honor of the Kazakh poet who lived in 1693-1787. Bukhar Zhirau Kalkamanuly was an ideologist, poet, improviser and major statesman, advisor to Khan Abylai. Bukhar was also a great warrior and commander; he was the initiator and organizer of the Kazakh-Dzungar war against the Dzungar invaders. He studied at the madrasah of the ancient cities of Bukhara and Karnak.

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The monument to Bukhar Zhirau is located in the city of Pavlodar, Pavlodar region, Republic of Kazakhstan.


Bukhar Zhirau lived during the Dzungarian occupation of the Kazakh people, when the future of the country hung in the balance, and he was able to answer the complex problems of that time with his poems. In such difficult moments, he gave the right advice to Abylai Khan and tried to unite the people in the fight against the invading enemy, to unite them under one banner. With his politically and socially significant poems, he became the poet of this passionate struggle. For this purpose, he considered Abylay Khan the only necessary leader and placed great trust in him as a leader who would preserve the unity of the people. Zhirau created indelible literary images of the khan and his heroes who died on the path to freedom, and showed amazing examples of courage. In particular, he highly appreciated the foresight and wisdom of Abylay Khan, how he was able to mobilize the country in difficult times and difficult moments.


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