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The mausoleum complex of Yesetbatyr Kokiuly

Pilgrimage to Aktobe region

Pilgrimage tourism in Kazakhstan

The mausoleum of Yesetbatyr Kokiuly is an architectural monument, a sacred, sacred place and a place of pilgrimage in the Aktobe region. The monument has been located here since 1667, the mausoleum has been rebuilt more than once and now it is a modern building built on the site of an older monument. The mausoleum on the site of the ancient burial of the batyr was built in 1750, then it was destroyed and rebuilt more than once. For the second time in 1979, local residents honored the spirit of the hero and built it of white brick with a height of 1.7 meters, a width of 3 meters and a length of 5 meters. However, the ruling system of that time demolished the newly built monument, calling it a cult of religious beliefs and an antisocial phenomenon. For the third time, in 1992, Mangistau stone and marble were used and a majestic mausoleum was erected, similar to the image of a Kazakh yurt. The author of the mazar is the architect T. Jonysbekov. On top of the 11-meter-high entrance door there is a 3-meter-high statue of Yeset Batyr with a spear. The mausoleum was registered as a historical monument, became a tourist attraction and is under state control. Before that, the highway to the mausoleum was built and paved, and so the bridge over the river Ele was built.

How to get there, visit

The mausoleum of Yesetbatyr Kokiuly is located 3 kilometers from the village of Bestamak, Alginsky district, Aktobe region, Republic of Kazakhstan.


Yeset Kokiuly (1667-1749) was a hero, a sage and a gentleman, one of the most famous heroes of the Kazakh people from the "tama" family, whose name was recognized in the fight against the Dzungarian invaders. He was the son-in-law of the famous Bogenbai Batyr, who was with Khan Abulkhair when he raised the issue of joining Russia. Born during the war, raised in a struggle, and like his fellow citizens, Eset joins the campaign to defend the country early. He stands out for his personal bravery and becomes a hero. Yeset batyr took part in the Battle of Bulanta, which dealt the first crushing blow to the Dzungars, and contributed to the Great Victory that lifted the spirit of the oppressed country. The further life of Yeset batyr is closely connected with the politics of Abulkhair Khan. He will be next to the khan and will give him advice, he will be the one who will narrow the gap between the khan and the people. In particular, in dispelling the danger hanging over the khan's head when he came under the rule of the Russian tsar, he provided him with great help in cooperation with the great historical figures of that time, Bogenbai Batyr and Zhanibek Batyr. In 1743, the tsarist government awarded him the title of "Tarkhan" for his services in improving relations with Russia. Yeset Batyr died of his own death at the age of eighty-two.


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