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Monument to Akyn Baiganin Nurpeis

People's artists and artists of Kazakhstan

City tour of the city of Aktobe and travel around the Aktobe region

Monument to Nurpeis Baiganin - installed in the city of Aktobe, is a structure of monumental art. The sculpture depicts Nurpeis sitting in the lotus position and playing the dombra, a Kazakh musical instrument. The sculpture of the people's artist is installed on a rectangular pedestal, the total height of the monument is 3 meters, the sculpture itself is 2 meters high. Nurpeis skillfully used examples of oral literature in his poems about heroism and managed to elevate it to the heights of written literature. The works of the poet, who has done a lot, seen a lot, known a lot, sung a lot, mastered and used the rich vocabulary of the Kazakh people, are full of deep meaning, sharp language, eloquent words, proverbs and aphorisms.

How to get there, visit

The monument to N. Baiganin is located in the city of Aktobe at the address Abylay Khan Avenue, city park opposite the city court building, Aktobe region, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Nurpeis Baiganin - national poet, musician, honored artist of Kazakhstan, was born in 1860 in the city of Aktobe. He first learned poetry from his mother. From the age of 16 he became a “boy singer”. Subsequently, he followed the example of such famous poets as Abyl, Sherniyaz, Nurym, Kashagan, Aktan, Kazakhbay, Sabyr, entered into disputes with them, and learned heroic poems. In addition to performing epic songs, he also wrote his own songs, such as “Akkenzhe” and “Narkyz”, dedicated to folk and social issues, using ready-made plots. The “Akkenzhe” saga comprehensively describes the fate of Kazakh women, consonant with the essence of real life of that period. “Narkyz” is one of his works, calling Kazakh women to freedom, having a clear idea and distinguished by high artistry. In addition to sagas and epic poems, Baiganin Nurpeis has satirical, sharp short poems and voluminous works, such as “Voice of Revenge”, “Dispute with Kazakhbay”. When Nurpeis was full of creativity and enjoyed the respect of the people, he sang widely about patriotism, the fate of the people and other topics. Participated in the opening of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition and the Second Congress of Writers of Kazakhstan (1939).


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