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Russian-Kyrgyz 2nd grade School (Aktobe)

Ancient buildings of Aktobe city

Historical sights of Aktobe region

The Russian-Kyrgyz 2nd grade school is an urban-planning architectural structure in the city of Aktobe, it was built in 1883. In 1884, the first classes began at this school, the first teacher of the school was Arseny Masokhin. At one time, Ybray Altynsarin looked after this school, that is, he did not look after it, but at that time he was an inspector for supervision of schools in the region. He was appointed to the post of inspector in 1879, and a few years later this school was built.

How to get there, visit

The Russian-Kyrgyz 2nd grade school is located in Aktobe at 59 Sherniyaza Street, corner of Nekrasov Street, Aktobe region, Republic of Kazakhstan.


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