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Almaty aport, an apple variety, a symbol of the city of Almaty

Apple orchards of Almaty

Watching the apple tree bloom in Almaty

Aport is a large and valuable variety of apples. It is widespread in the middle zone of the south (North Caucasus, Trans-Ili Alatau) with cool but not long winters and warm or hot summers. The peel of the aport is dense, yellow or greenish-yellow with a red-brown seal; the inner side (pulp) is characterized by friability, delicate taste. Aport belongs to a late-ripening species, matures only in September. It is well preserved in winter due to late ripening. The most popular aport gardens are located outside of Almaty (for example, Beskainarsky rural district). In Soviet times, the Almaty aport, an apple variety, was a symbol of the city.

To date, the aport has been lost from the market, since the land where the aport was grown was privatized and the trees were cut down. In addition, the trees are outdated and new apple trees have not been planted. According to the census of the 70s, 3851193 aport trees were grown in Kazakhstan, of which 3036346 were in Almaty, which is 80 percent.

Almaty aport - history

In 1865, a resident of the Voronezh province, E. Redko, cultivated an apple tree aport in Verny county (in the future - Alma-Ata). After hybridizing it with the Sievers apple, it became very famous. In 1914, the chief inspector of horticulture S. Perkovsky said: "the decoration of the city of Verny can be called apples aport and pears. First he planted an apple of aport in the garden, and only then, by order of a general named Kolpakov, he planted apple trees of aport in the city. At the beginning of the twentieth century, aport gained popularity in the center of Russia. He was very popular at fairs and markets. In 1900, in Paris, aport was recognized as the best apple and took first place. The best estimates of specialists were achieved at the Mannheim exhibition in Germany in 1908.

In 2002, Kazpost issued a postal block "Ile-Alatau National Park, which includes the Alexander Aport brand. On February 18, 2009, a commemorative coin of 500 tenge appeared in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The coin was dedicated to the Almaty aport.

Almaty aport


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