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Zeynulla Mausoleum

Ancient architecture of the East Kazakhstan region

Guide to the Kazakh Altai

Zeynulla Mausoleum – built in 1925, an architectural monument, a sacred and sacred place and a place of pilgrimage, near the village of Zhalshy. The mausoleum is very beautiful, it stands in the boundless steppe of Kazakhstan and is a two-chamber structure made of red brick. The architecture of the mausoleum is not similar to the architecture of other mausoleums, the style and methods of construction are very different. The total length of Zeynulla mausoleum is 9.4 meters, width 5.7 meters, height 8.8 meters. The mausoleum is made of mud brick, lined with burnt brick from the outside. The lower part of the building is built according to a complex pattern similar to the architecture of Southeast Asia, the entrance is decorated with an arched portal. The walls at the corners end with short four-sided columns, the entrance porch is connected to the roof arch on three sides through a small partition. Light penetrates into the tomb through openings on both sides and on the west side. These recesses alternate with decorative portal cavities. Various methods of decorative stone were used to decorate the facades of the Zeynulla mausoleum. The architect is the people's master Bayazit Satpayev. The mausoleum is under the protection of the State of Kazakhstan.

How to get there, visit

Zeynulla Mausoleum is located 0.5 kilometers from the village of Zhalshy, 5 kilometers from the village of Shilikty, Zaisan district, East Kazakhstan region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
GPS coordinates: 47°09'33"N 84°28'22"E

Zeynulla Mausoleum


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