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Man-Ata Mausoleum

Mystical and sacred places on the Mangyshlak Peninsula -

Organization of a jeep of tours in the Mangistau region -

The mausoleum of Man Ata is a monument of ancient architecture, a sacred and sacred place and a place of pilgrimage in the Mangystau region. The mausoleum represents the remains of an ancient structure, of which only ruins remain, now these ruins are fenced with four walls, on one of the walls there is a plaque with the name "Man-Ata". The highway from the village of Shetpe to the village of Beineu runs next to the mausoleum. The mausoleum of MANAT was not restored and left in a ruined state, but now the mausoleum is fenced with walls made in the form of modern Kazakh mausoleums, there are windows in the walls, there is no roof on the mausoleum.

How to get, visit -

The Mausoleum Man-Ata is located 40 kilometers from the village of Say-Utes (Otes), 243 kilometers from the city of Aktau, the Manata (Man-Ata), Mangistau region, the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Information -

Man-Ata is a preacher, a spiritual teacher, a character is very ancient and mythical, there is no exact date of his birth and death, there are also no exact dates when he was on Ustyurt. They say that Man-Ata preached Zoroastrianism, one of the most ancient religions on the planet, they say he was the messenger of the Ahura-Mazda of the Supreme Divine in Zoroastrianism. Legends say that he came from India from the Hindustan Peninsula, and began to teach people to work, preached his religion, was engaged in state activities and justice. Another legend says that Man-Ata was one of the first people, the legend of him went throughout the Mangyshlak peninsula, people said that Man-Ata was the ancestor of all mankind and had supernatural abilities.


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