Your big journey along the Great Silk Road !



Zhaman-Uy tract on the Asy plateau

Trip from Almaty to the Asy plateau through the Turgen gorge -

Attractions of the Asy plateau -

Zhaman-Uy is a picturesque mountain tract, translated from the Kazakh language means "bad house", located along the mountain that leads to the east of the Asy plateau. The tract is a canyon of red clay deposits (outliers), which over a long period of exposure to wind, water and changing seasons have acquired fantastic shapes and outlines. If you turn on your imagination, you can see a city with red walls and towers, ancient minarets, and the faces of fantastic animals. The height at which the tract is located is 1706 meters above sea level, it is especially beautiful here at the beginning of summer, in June and July. Mount Zhombas and the Sary Tau ridge close the Zhaman-Uy tract from the south.

How to get there, visit -

The Zhaman-Uy tract is located in the Tien Shan Mountains, on the road that leads through the Turgen Gorge and further to the Asy Plateau. From the Asy Plateau, or more precisely from the Asy Pass to the Zhaman-Uy tract, the distance is 10-15 kilometers, Enbekshikazakh District, Almaty Region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
GPS coordinates: 43°19'13 "N78°16'51"E

Information -

Traveling to the Zhaman-Uy tract, you will pass the Turgen Gorge, along the way you can stop at the Bear Waterfall and walk to the waterfall. Then the mountain road will take you to the Asy Plateau and the Asy Pass, where the Asy Turgen Space Observatory is located. Then moving along the plateau in an easterly direction, you will reach the Zhaman-Uy tract. In the tract there are petroglyphs (rock paintings), which are called petroglyphs Zhaman-Uy, here you can find images of our ancient ancestors who lived in these places. Petroglyphs are applied to large black stones, here you can find such images as: mountain goat, deer, horse, dog, from the images of people here there is an archer, horsemen on horses, dancing people, hunting scenes and unknown solar signs in the form of a circle. If you go further along the road, you will reach the famous Bartogay reservoir, which is also one of the main natural attractions of the Almaty region. This trip can be made from the city of Almaty within 2-3 days.

Zhaman-Uy tract on the Asy plateau in the Almaty region


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