Hiking to Aksoran mountain.
Aksoran is a mountain in the southern part of the Kyzylarai massif, the highest point of Saryarka.
Aksoran Mountain - Geographical location.
It is located in the Aktogay district of the Karaganda region, 12 km east of the village of Chilim. Height 1565 m, width 7 km.
Aksoran Mountain - Geological structure.
It consists of Perm granites, Lower Perm and Middle Carmen rocks.
Aksoran Mountain - Landscape.
It consists of a low mountain with a slope to the north. Here the Karatal, Zinishke and Saryolen rivers begin.
Aksoran Mountain - Flora.
Pine forest on the slopes, birch, aspen, willow, juniper, carob tree on the brown soil of littoral valleys; A variety of grassy meadows of different species grow in the lowlands.