Your big journey along the Great Silk Road !



Mount Yurt in the Bozzhira tract

Classic tour of Mangyshlak -

Journey to the Ustyurt plateau -

Mount Yurt is a natural landmark of the Bozzhira tract, its height is 260 meters, this mountain is depicted on a banknote of the Kazakh currency with a face value of 1000 tenge. The mountain is quite large and impressive, the mountain is clearly visible from all panoramic points of the Bozzhira tract. You can drive up to the mountain by car, you can also bypass the mountain if you want, but you will need time for this. Mount Yurt got its name for its similarity to the Kazakh yurt.

How to get there, visit -

Mount Yurt is located in the Bozzhira tract, Mangystau region, Karakiyansky district, Ortasha plateau, Ustyurt plateau.
GPS coordinates: N43°26'12" E54°04'37"

Information -

Mount Yurt is very beautiful and unusual, in one of our trips we managed to fly around this mountain by helicopter. The mountain has a round base and a high peak, which also has a round shape, the slopes of the peak are steep, it is impossible to climb the mountain, the slopes of the mountain are made of non-solid rock, so climbing the mountain is dangerous, and we do not recommend doing this. You can admire the mountain from the side or go to its foot. The Bozzhira tract is rich in its natural, bizarre formations of different shapes and the Yurt Mountain is one of them. The mountain is composed of Cretaceous prehistoric deposits. We invite you to visit the Bozzhira tract and see all its unique natural attractions.

Yurt Mountain, Bozzhira tract, Mangyshlak Peninsula


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