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WildTicket Asia » Kazakhstan tours and excursions » Nature of Kazakhstan » Atyray region » Inder mountains in Atyrau region, Kazakhstan

Inder mountains in Atyrau region, Kazakhstan

Excursion to the Inder Mountains from Atyrau.

Inder mountains are located in the area of Lake Inder in the Atyrau region, on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Also Inderskie mountains are part of the West Kazakhstan region. The Inder mountains are part of the Caspian lowland, the highest parts of the mountains are called Big Bogdo and Small Bogdo. The maximum height of the Inder Mountains is 155 meters above sea level. The Inder mountains are not high and from the side can resemble hills and hills as they are located on a plateau.

Inder mountains - how to get there.

Our company organizes a full range of services for visiting all natural sites of the Atyrau region. The Inder Mountains are also part of the range of services provided.

Inder mountains-tourist information.

The Inder Mountains are very interesting as a tourist destination and visit. Here you can find such deep cracks and dips in which snow can lie until mid-summer and not melt. Therefore, being in a semi-desert area in the summer, encountering snow is very exotic and unexpected. There is not much vegetation in the region; in some places wild rose, fern, moss grow.

Lake Inder is a salt lake.

Lake Inder is also located in the Inder Mountains and is very easy to reach. The lake is very beautiful and unusual, the lake is also very salty, and is considered medicinal.


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