Trip from Uralsk to Lake Shalkar.
Rest on the lake Shalkar.
Lake Shalkar is one of the most beautiful monuments of antiquity in the Ural region. The lake has a special ecological, scientific, cultural, recreational and aesthetic value. The deepest and largest reservoir in the West Kazakhstan region. This natural reservoir is considered very old, and its origin is still controversial. However, one "version" is more plausible. Lake Shalkar is part of the former Khvalyn Sea. From time immemorial, Lake Shalkar attracted attention, its shores were inhabited by Oghuz and Pecheneg tribes, and later by Kypchak and Turkic tribes - the ancestors of the Kazakh people. The lake was rich in flora and fauna.
Shalkar lake - how to get there.
Shalkar lake in the West Kazakhstan region, the lake belongs to the Ural basin.
The lake is located in the Terektinsky district. The height above sea level is 16.7 m. The area of Lake Shalkar is 205.8 km2, the length is 18.4 km, the largest area is 14.7 km. The hole is clearly defined. The shores in the northern and southwestern parts are gentle, the rest are rocky, 3-10 m high. The Sholakankaty (Shalkarankaty) and Yesenakkaty rivers flow into the river, and when the water level rises to 15.5 m, the Solyanka River flows out of the lake. The level rises in spring and falls in autumn. The lake has an oval shape and is elongated from north to south. The maximum depth is 18 m, depths between 10 and 12 meters make up 30% of the lake bed, and depths less than two meters make up 30%.
Lake Shalkar - information for tourists.
Lake Shalkar was described by the Arab merchant-scientist Ahmed Ibn Fadlana, who visited the Volga Bulgaria in 921-922. Describing the route from Khorezm to Bulgaria, Ahmed ibn Fadlan paid much attention to the paleography of the Eurasian center of the early Middle Ages. In his stories about the settlement of the Oghuz and Pecheneg tribes in the region of Lake Shalkar, he partially mentions the Shamar, Ankoty, Vabna (Small Ankaty) rivers and describes them as "all big rivers".
History of Lake Shalkar.
The largest urban settlement on the shores of Lake Shalkar is the White Mosque. Located on the banks of the Sholakankata River. The time of the formation of the city can be attributed to the XVIII-XIX centuries. This is one of the largest monuments of urban culture in the region. A similar old city is Sarayshyk in the Atyrau region. As an object of nature, the lake began to be studied in 1768-1774 during the zoological expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences led by Academician PS Pallas. PS Pallas not only described the lake in detail, but also wrote about fishing, its organization and regulation.
Lake Shalkar.