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Shatkal Canyon in the Bozzhira tract

How to get to Boszhira and travel to Mangyshlak -

Sightseeing tours to the Bozzhira tract in Mangystau -

Shatkal is a deep canyon in the Bozzhira tract, the canyon is one of the spurs of the Ustyurt plateau. The canyon is quite deep and picturesque, there are places in Shatkal Canyon where sunlight does not enter, the canyon is very narrow and deep. It is possible to enter the canyon from the side of the Bosjira panoramas, that is, from the lower part of the main plateau from the former bottom of the Tethys Ocean. In the canyon you can find trees and plants, they can hide here from the scorching rays of the sun.

How to get there,visit -

Shatkal Canyon is located on the Ustyurt plateau, Mangyshlak Peninsula, Mangystau region, Kazakhstan. Nearby is the Yurt Mountain, the slopes of this mountain form part of the canyon, as well as the Borlytau mountain is located nearby.
GPS coordinates: N43°26'09" E54°04'25"

Information -

Birds of prey live in Shatkal Canyon, the canyon is composed of Cretaceous rocks. The canyon is 1.8 kilometers long, 20-30 meters deep, 50 meters wide. The canyon is quite narrow and going inside the canyon you lose the sense of time, there is little sunlight and in places it can be very cool. The entrance to the canyon is located between the Yurt and Borlytau mountains. The places here are very picturesque, it is good to travel here in spring at the beginning of summer as the greenery blooms and it is very beautiful here.

Shatkal Canyon in Boszhira tract, Mangystau region


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