Your big journey along the Great Silk Road !



Issyk lake

Lake Issyk, a mountain lake, is located in the mountains of the Zailiyskiy Alatau in the Almaty region, earlier the lake was much larger than now, there was a tourist infrastructure around the lake, after the mudflow the lake became much smaller. The distance from the city of Issyk to the lake is 17 kilometers, the main landmark here is the village of Issyk, the lake is located at an altitude of 1700 meters above sea level. On July 7, 1963, a catastrophe happened on the lake, a powerful mudflow came down that washed away the lake and it became much smaller. The Issyk River flows into the lake, up the gorge there is a mountain road that goes to the upper reaches of the gorge. We invite you to visit the lake in early summer when the region is filled with colors or in autumn when the region is also filled with autumn yellow colors. But the lake is very beautiful and there is almost never anyone, so here you can be alone and take great photos.

  • Distance of the route: 168 km
  • Season time: May - September
  • Best time: June - September
  • Group size: 1-10
  • Days & nights: 1 day

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