Your big journey along the Great Silk Road !



Ancient water supply in Akyrtas

Tours and excursions to the ancient settlement of Akyrtas -

One-day excursion from Taraz to Akyrtas -

The ancient city of Akyrtas contains many mysteries that excite the minds of researchers. It can be seen that Akyrtas has been rebuilt more than once; now this is what we call renovation in our apartment or the construction of a new house on the site of an old one using existing materials and foundations. During one of these repairs, a water supply system was installed in the city of Akyrtas. The city was supplied with water from two reservoirs: reservoir No. 1 was located 3.7 kilometers from the city, Shoshkaly gorge. Reservoir No. 2 is 3 kilometers away, Uzunbulak gorge. Water entered the city through pipes made of clay approximately 60 centimeters long. The water pipeline is perfectly preserved and you can see it with your own eyes at this archaeological site of high scientific and historical value.

Plumbing studies -

A lot of archaeological research has been carried out on Akyrtas, including excavations and studies of the water supply system. It is worth noting that the distance of 3 kilometers is quite considerable if you imagine that the clay pipes were only 60 centimeters long. During the excavations, the fact was noted that the water supply system is a rather complex system of interlacing pipes, covering the entire city.

Akyrtas is an ancient 5 star hotel -

Water came to almost every house that had a small swimming pool. Rumor has it that Akyrtas was an ancient 5-star hotel on the Silk Road where only very rich merchants could afford to stay. Near the city, artificial water storage pools measuring 40x40 meters were discovered. This water was used to irrigate the land and fields. Water also flowed into these pools through clay pipelines.

How to get there, visit -

Geographic coordinates of reservoir No. 1 at the exit from the Kyzylkaynaray (Shoshkaly) gorge near the Akyrtas settlement: 42°55'09"N 71°48'21"E
GPS coordinates of reservoir No. 2 at the exit from the Uzunbulak gorge, near the Akyrtas settlement: 42°55'30"N 71°47'42"E


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