Zhasylkol is an alpine lake in the mountains of the Dzhungar Alatau in Kazakhstan. The lake is located 15 km south-west of the village of Lepsy, at an altitude of 1630 m above sea level, in the Dzhungaro-Alatau State National Natural Park.
As a result of the earthquake, the rockfall blocked the bed of the Agynkatta river with a natural dam, which formed a picturesque lake. In the spring and summer period, the water is muddy, since the sources feeding the lake originate from the Dzungarian glaciers. But when the glaciers stop melting due to the cold, the water turns into a transparent blue. People call it "Emerald" (zamartas). When the glaciers melt, the lake turns light green, especially when viewed from above. The color of the water in the lake depends not only on the melting of the snow, but also on the day and the weather. In the spring-summer period, the water is coffee with milk, and in the autumn-spring period it is a transparent blue color. The color of the water is blue, with a blue sky the water acquires an ultramarine color, and in cloudy weather it becomes lead. A large population of deer lives in the area of Lake Zhasylkol. The water temperature in summer is not even higher than 10 ° C.
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