Your big journey along the Great Silk Road !



Wooden Lake

Excursions in Almaty region

A trip from Almaty to the Wooden lake

Detailed route to the Wooden lake: Almaty city – Bayserke village - Shelek village – Nurly village – Wooden Lake – Almaty city (238 km)

Wooden Lake, a natural attraction of the Almaty region, is located in the Uygur district, the distance from the city of Almaty to Lake Wooden is 280 kilometers. The main landmark here is the village of Sharyn, the distance from the lake to the village is 7 kilometers. There are fish, white amur, catfish, and carp in the Wooden lake. In ancient times, the Turanian tiger lived in the lake area.

Wooden Lake is surrounded by sand dunes, which gives the lake a fantastic view, here you can take great photos, spend time, relax and go fishing. It is especially beautiful on the lake Wooden early in the morning when the sun rises and in the evening at sunset. The Wooden lake is so called because trees grow in the lake.

  • Distance of the route: 476 km
  • Season time: summer season
  • Best time: spring summer
  • Group size: 1-10
  • Days & nights: 2 days

Tour itinerary:


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