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Hanga Baba tract (oasis, spring, necropolis)

Oases of the Mangyshlak Peninsula -

Water springs of Mangystau region -

Hanga Baba is a steppe oasis, a tract on Mangyshlak, length, here you can drink water, replenish your water reserves and relax in the shade of trees. There are trees growing in the tract, locals say that there used to be more trees, now there are only a few trees left, but even under them you can find shade from the hot summer sun. Hanga Baba is a picturesque steppe mountain valley, where the elm tree and mulberry trees grow. The Hanga Baba tract is a sacred sacred place and a place of pilgrimage. Ancient necropolises, the remains of an ancient fortress of the X-XII centuries, and ancient mosques have been preserved on the territory of the tract, as well as the Hanga Baba necropolis is located here.

How to get there, visit -

The Hanga Baba tract is located 30 kilometers from the city of Fort Shevchenko, 19 km from the village of Kyzylozen, Mangystau region, Tupkaragan district, Mangyshlak Peninsula.
GPS coordinates: N44°27'21.99" E50°35'37.83"

History, information -

The Hanga Baba tract was explored by the famous Russian traveler and artist Taras Shevchenko. He made several paintings of the tract, watercolors, pencil drawings and sketches. The area has changed a lot since then, there were more trees in the artist's drawings, as well as the mosque and mausoleum that were depicted in the drawings have now turned into ruins. Taras Shevchenko was in these places back in 1851. There are resources on the Internet where you can see the artist's sketches, they impress and make you think that it was so interesting for a stranger on the territory of present-day Kazakhstan, the artist admired this place, talked about it a lot and returned here more than once.

Tract, Hanga Baba valley in Mangystau region, Mangyshlak


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