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Kulan Ana Mausoleum

Tours and excursions in Ulytau -

Sacred places and monuments of Ulytau region -

Kulan Ana-mausoleum, an architectural monument of the XIV-XV century, is a low building built of red brick, is a sacred and sacred place, a place of pilgrimage to Ulytau. Nearby is another famous mausoleum of Bolgan Ana. There is no roof on the mausoleum of Kulan An, you can enter the building, there is an altar inside. The building is very beautiful, the architecture of the mausoleum is similar to other mausoleums of the Ulytau region and is built in the same style.

How to get there, visit -

Kulan Ana Mausoleum is located in Ulytau district, Ulytau region, 25 kilometers from Talap village, Bestobe mountains. GPS coordinates N47°27'59 E68°00'31

Information -

The mausoleum of Kulan Ana is located at an altitude of 330 meters above sea level. According to ancient legends, Kulan Ana was the second wife of Genghis Khan. Also, according to one of the legends, it is believed that Kulan Ana participated in the murder of Jochi Khan, but this information is not accurate, local researchers do not agree with this version. The local archaeologist claimed that she died much earlier than Jochi Khan and had nothing to do with his death. Another legend says that she accompanied Genghis Khan in his military campaigns, and died on the land of Ulytau, so the Kulan-An mausoleum appeared.

Kulan Ana Mausoleum in Ulytau region


Comments 2

  1. Амир
    Амир — 13 May 2024 21:30
    Болған Ана-это Бөрте, бәйбіше Шыңғысхана!!! Құлан Ана-тоқал Шыңғысхана!!! Алашахан(Шыңғысхан) размер мавзолея 11,90х9,73   ,  Болган Ана(Борте) 10,70х9,45  , Жошыхан 9,55х7,25 !!! Если Болган Ана дочь Жошыхана, ей никогда не построят мавзолей больше чем у отца!!! А Кулан Ана -это токал Шынгысхана по этому у нее "статус ниже".
    1. Rinat
      Rinat — 19 May 2024 15:45
      Амир здравствуйте, спасибо за ваше сообщение. Не могли бы вы поподробней написать если, мы допустили ошибку в размерах мавзолея, и что необходимо исправить. Я прочитал насчет токал кто это такая, это оказывается вторая жена, то есть это что то похожее на гарем я так понимаю. Не знаю что это такое, так как проживаю в традиционной семье где есть один папа и одна мама, и они любят друг друга, и папе не нужна вторая жена.   

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