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Charyn ash forest dacha

Excursion to the Charyn ash grove.

How to see Sogdian Ash in Kazakhstan.

Sogdian ash is a relict tree growing in Ash Grove on Charyn. Ash loves moisture, it needs a lot of water to grow, therefore it grows near water sources. It is also called the moisture-loving ash. In Kazakhstan, ash grows only in one place in the lower reaches of the Charyn River and in the Temerlik Canyon.

Sogdian ash - how to see.

In 1964, the ash grove was declared a natural monument. The grove is located in the Charyn National Park, Sarytogay tract, Almaty region.

Charyn ash dacha GPS coordinates 43 ° 36′05 ″ N 79 ° 20′22 ″ E

Charyn ash grove - information for tourists.

Ash is an amazing unusual tree, the tree is sacred, the tree was worshiped and revered in ancient times to this day. In Europe, ash is also considered a sacred tree, it was believed that the sword of the supreme god Odin, that is, its handle was made of ash wood.

Charyn ash dacha.


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