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Altynemel mountain range.

Tours and excursions in the Altyn-Emel reserve.

Botanical tour and bird watching in Altyn-Emel park.

Altynemel is a mountain range and a nature reserve of the same name. Altynemel is one of the southwestern massifs of the Semirechensky Alatau, the ridge is located between the Ili and Karatal rivers. The Altynemel ridge includes the Degeres and Matai mountains. The ridge bends in an arc from the Uigentas pass, dividing the Koyandytau ridge in the east, to Mount Sholak (Altynemel pass) in the Ili valley. The length is 65 km, the width is 6-15 km, the highest point is 2931 m. The ridge is composed of layered deposits of the Paleozoic. The northern slope of the ridge is steep, the southern slope is gentle.

Altynemel ridge - how to get there.

The ridge is located in the Almaty region, Panfilovsky district, the ridge is a spur of the Zhungar Alatau. Part of the ridge is located in the Altyn-Emel nature reserve.
Altynemel ridge GPS coordinates - 44 ° 20′0 ″ N 78 ° 26′0 ″ E

Altynemel ridge - information for tourists.

It is good to travel in the Altynemel mountains and make one-day excursions or multi-day tours. There are many excursion programs in Altyn-Emel park. It is easy and affordable to travel here. There is not much infrastructure here, but we are able to organize an autonomous camping with all the amenities, we even have special toilets so that you do not go to nature but feel at home.

Altynemel ridge.


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