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Tuyuksu Glacier

Mountain peaks and glaciers in the Ile-Alatau Park -

Mountain routes mountain trails in the mountains of the Almaty region -

Tuyuksu is a valley glacier on the northern slope of the Zailiysky Alatau, a natural landmark and one of the central points on the mountain routes in the Ile-Alatau Mountain Park. The wedge-shaped glacier is located at an altitude of 3,545 meters above sea level, stretches from south to north for 3.5 km, now its length reaches 2 km, the area of the open part is 3.1 km2. Over the past ten years, the average snow line has exceeded 3,040 m. Since the 1960s, the glacier's territory has been shrinking by an average of 10 m per year. As a result of the shrinkage of the glacier, small lakes of melted ice are formed between the summer months. The meltwater of the glacier collects in the low valley of the Mynizhilky tract and forms the source of the Malaya Almatinka River. The Tuyuksu glacier is surrounded by other equally famous glaciers such as the Molodezhny glacier, the Turistichesky glacier, the Mayakovsky glacier, the Partizan glacier, etc.

The mountain hike to the Tuyuksu glacier looks like this: the city of Almaty - the high-mountain base Shymbulak (2400) - the Tuyuk-Su tract (2600) - the Molodezhny glacier (3500) - the Tuyuk-Su glacier (3600) - the base Shymbulak - the city of Almaty. The duration of the hike is 5-7 hours, it starts from the Shymbulak base through the Vorota Tuyuksu tract. On the way to the glacier we will see such sights as the Molodezhny peak, the Pioneer peak, the Uchitel peak, the Mayakovsky peak, the Igli-Tuyuksu peak. When arranging hikes in this region, be sure to use the services of mountain guides and guides who know the area well. Be sure to go on a mountain hike in a group, do not travel alone in the mountains.

How to get there, visit -

The Tuyuksu Glacier is located in the upper reaches of the Malaya Almatinka River, above the Medeu and Chimbulak tracts, the northern slope of the Zailiysky Alatau, Almaty region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
GPS coordinates: 43°03'02"N 77°06'00"E


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