Trekking and hiking in the Butakov Gorge -
Natural attractions of the Ile-Alatau Park and the Almaty Reserve -
Butakov Waterfalls are the main natural attraction in the Butakov Gorge, a location for active recreation and easy mountain hikes along the routes in the mountains of Almaty. The waterfalls consist of two waterfalls located at different distances from each other. The lower Butakov waterfall is 15 meters high and is very popular due to its easy accessibility. The upper Butakov waterfall is located in the upper reaches of the Butakov Gorge, the height of the waterfall is 20 meters and you need to go to it along a mountain route. Both of these waterfalls are formed by the Butakov River, above the upper waterfall is the Butakov Pass, Furmanov Peak and Panorama Peak.
In 1996, the territory of Butakov gorge and area was officially transferred to the Ili-Alatau State Nature Park. The territory of the gorge occupies 5000 hectares and is guarded by five inspectors. Butakovka is famous for its favorable acoustic environment - here there is only the silence of nature, the melodic sounds of the forest. This area is unique and beautiful, and the gorge itself is a great place to start short and long hikes in the mountains of the Zailiysky Alatau. From here you can get to the Kimasar tract, the Medeu tract, walk in the valley of the Talgar River. The flora of the gorge is rich and diverse, here grows Tien Shan spruce, aspen, chestnut and barberry. Fresh air prevails in the gorge, and it is great to spend time here on hot and cold summer days. Be sure to use the services of mountain guides who know the area well - this is a must for your safety in the mountains.
How to get there, visit -
Butakov waterfalls are located in the Butakov gorge, the valley of the Butakovka river, 5 kilometers from the city of Almaty, Medeu district, Almaty region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
GPS coordinates:
Lower Butakov waterfall - 43°10'19"N 77°06'50"E
Upper Butakov waterfall - 43°09'21"N 77°07'16"E