Mountain hike to Titov lakes through Gorelnik gorge -
Moraine lakes in Ile-Alatau Park in the mountains of Almaty city -
Lake Titov is located high in the mountains at an altitude of 3377 meters above sea level, surrounded by the mountain peaks of the Zailiysky Alatau. There are four lakes in total, let them lie through the Gorelnik gorge, which adjoins the Small Almaty gorge just above the Medeo tract, where the famous Medeo sports complex and the Medeo mudflow protection dam are located. At the entrance to the Gorelnik gorge, there is a hot thermal water source Gorelnik. In the gorge are the famous Gorelnik waterfalls. Also here is another natural attraction, this place "Eagle's Nest". This lake is very popular among outdoor enthusiasts, it is located in a very beautiful place and traveling to it you will visit all the above-mentioned attractions. Above the lake is the Titov mountain peak, the height of which is 3850 meters above sea level.
How to get there, visit -
Lake Titov is located in the Zailiyskiy Alatau mountains in the upper reaches of the Gorelnik gorge, Ile-Alatau Park, Medeu district, Almaty region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
GPS coordinates: 43°04'48"N 77°02'48"E
Information -
The path to Lake Titov is not considered difficult, but requires good athletic training and the skill of being in the mountains and traveling through the mountains. This mountain trail is not particularly difficult and is suitable for all age categories. There is a group of tourists who go specifically to these lakes in the summer to swim in them. The water in the lake is very cold, so we do not recommend swimming in it, only trained people can do this. Lake Titov, like all mountain moraine lakes, is not large, and incredibly beautiful, the water in the lake changes its color during the day. We recommend traveling to Lake Titov in the summer, then there is no snow and the route is not very difficult. In winter, you can also go to the lake, but the route becomes much more difficult, so in winter only physically trained travelers should move here. Water enters the lakes from three glaciers that are located slightly higher, the largest lake is 165 meters long and 100 meters wide, the rest of the lakes are smaller.
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