Your big journey along the Great Silk Road !



Lower Kolsai Lake #1, Kolsai National Natural Park, Kazakhstan.
Lower Kolsai Lake #1, Kolsai National Natural Park, Kazakhstan.
Borovoe myths and legends, Burabay natural park, Kazakhstan.
Borovoe myths and legends, Burabay natural park, Kazakhstan.
Mysteries of the Petropavlovsk meteorite, North Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan.
Mysteries of the Petropavlovsk meteorite, North Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan.
Kyzylkum is a mysterious and mystical desert on the territory of Kazakhstan.
Kyzylkum is a mysterious and mystical desert on the territory of Kazakhstan.
Ustyurt plateau and the UFO phenomenon, mysterious and mystical Mangyshlak in Kazakhstan.
Ustyurt plateau and the UFO phenomenon, mysterious and mystical Mangyshlak in Kazakhstan.
Tamshibulak water spring, healing water in Almaty region, Kazakhstan.
Tamshibulak water spring, healing water in Almaty region, Kazakhstan.
Bektau Ata, mysterious and mystical, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan.
Bektau Ata, mysterious and mystical, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan.
Lake Saura (Turtle Lake), Saura tract, Mangistau region, Kazakhstan.
Lake Saura (Turtle Lake), Saura tract, Mangistau region, Kazakhstan.
Lake Saumalkol, North Kazakhstan region.
Lake Saumalkol, North Kazakhstan region.
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