Your big journey along the Great Silk Road !



Alpingrad mountain meadow glade.

Mountain routes around Almaty.

The Alpingrad glade is one of the most popular places on the route from the Manzhilki tract in the Almaty mountains. You can walk to the meadow within one day, the place is easily accessible and very beautiful. The glade is very convenient for setting up a tent or a small camp, here you can stay for the night or stay here during the day.

Alpingrad glade - how to get there.

The glade is located an hour's walk from the Mynzhilki tract at an altitude of 3450 meters above sea level.
The place is located in the upper reaches of the Small Almaty Gorge, above the Medeo tract, above the Chimbulak camp site. There is a cable car to Chimbulak that starts from the Medeo tract. A mountain path leads from the Mynzhilki meteorological station to the meadow.

Alpingrad Polyana - information for tourists.

While in the meadow, you will see Manshuk Mametova glacier, Tuyuksu glacier, Kumbel peak, Lokomotiv glacier, Kosmodemyanskaya glacier, etc. If you go further through the Manshuk Mametova pass, you will get to the Alpine Rose glade. There is a three-day route in this area that covers all the attractions of the Small Almaty Gorge and its upper reaches.

Alpingrad glade.


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