Interesting mountain peaks in the mountains of Almaty -
Where to go for a day in the area of the Bolshoy Talgarsky pass -
Bashut Peak is a mountain peak located at an altitude of 3,355 meters above sea level in the mountains of the Trans–Ili Alatau within the city of Almaty. The mountain peak is famous for being located on a mountain route called the "Little Almaty Circumnavigation", which can be completed in one day and visit several mountain peaks at once. The ascent to the peak begins in the Kimasar gorge, which can be reached through the Small Almaty Gorge and the Medeo tract, where the famous high-altitude sports complex and the Medeo skating rink are located. From the Kimasar gorge, our route will continue through the Komissarovsky mountain pass and the famous "Swing in the mountains of Almaty" where people go to take photos on swings against the background of mountains. Passing the swing and moving up the route, we will reach Furmanov Peak, then we will pass Panorama Peak, which offers a magnificent mountain panorama of the Ile-Alatau Park and the city of Almaty. Then, following the route, we will reach Mount Bashut and after that we will reach the peak of Cimbulak (Mount Cimbulachka) from which we will descend to the Big Talgar mountain pass. From the pass, you can walk down to the high mountain base of Cimbulak (Cimbulak) or use the services of the Medeo-Cimbulak cable car and descend on it to the Medeo tract from where our journey began.
You can also take this route to the Bashuta mountain range in the opposite direction and start your hike from the Bolshoy Talgarsky pass. Both routes are interesting and exciting. The route is designed for people with good physical fitness, the ability and skill to be in the mountains at altitudes exceeding 3,000 meters above sea level.
How to get there and visit -
Bashut Peak is located in the upper reaches of the Kimasar Gorge in the mountains of the Trans-Ili Alatau, Ile-Alatau National Park, Almaty Nature Reserve, Medeu district, Almaty region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
GPS coordinates: 43°08'00"N 77°06'59"E
Safety -
When making a mountain hike to Bashut Peak, be sure to use the services of certified mountain guides, mountain guides will prepare you for the hike, instruct you and guide you safely along the route. Do not go to the mountains alone, do not leave the trail, do not go close to rocky cliffs and snow ledges, keep an eye on the weather and choose clear sunny days for your trip. During the hike, always stay in a group so that everyone is always in sight of each other, always wait for stragglers. Do not walk in the mountains at night or in the dark. Calculate your time in the mountains correctly, be sure to consult with mountain guides. For hiking in the mountains, use special sports clothes and equipment, do not go to the mountains in slates, slippers and light soft shoes, take care of your feet, your feet should be protected by reliable mountain shoes for trekking and hiking with ankle fixation. Do not forget about altitude sickness and the need for acclimatization in the mountainous area, for a further comfortable stay in the mountains.